Three seasoned comedians lit up the Amari Resort in Hua Hin on Wednesday night, turning an ordinary evening into a delightful experience. Chris Wegoda, co-owner of The Comedy Club Bangkok, kicked off the show with his crisp, no-nonsense wit, holding nothing back, as he dissected the absurdities of modern life. It was a wake-up call, a snap to it buzz that set the show in motion, jolting the audience into a state of eager anticipation.
Next up was Tony Chou, a rising star from Beijing, whose infectious energy and clever references to his home country’s strict joke approval process kept the crowd in good spirits. His lighthearted approach paved the way perfectly for the night’s headliner, the exceptional Tom Rhodes.
Tom Rhodes spends eight months of the year jet-setting around the globe, entertaining a diverse international fan base. A sharp, street-smart storyteller, Rhodes crafts his act from an adventurous life lived on the edge, drawing from the people, places, and situations he’s encountered along the way. His style is vigorous and relatable, far from the polished sheen of a silver-spoon upbringing, which gives his performance a grounded, authentic vibe.
Rhodes weaves meaty, hilarious tales, with a joke ready for every country he’s visited, making him a natural fit for audiences worldwide. His material spans lust, sports, language, female empowerment, addiction, sobriety, personal hygiene and the tricky terrain of love—always with a subtle hint of naughtiness that leaves the audience grinning. His act offers an open winking door with a view directly into his well-traveled personal life.
A master of crowd work, Rhodes handled a rowdy bunch of heckling expats with effortless grace, turning their disruption into a tailored fit of laughter and compliance. A genuinely joyful and skilled performer, Rhodes commands the room with ease, and it was a true pleasure to witness his craft in action.